Where did you take your Lykke Wullf ?
We started in Portland and drove 800 miles east until we hit Jackson Hole. Just north of Jackson Hole are the scenic Grand Tetons! Next we went north through Montana, west through Idaho, and finally we ended our trip in Snoqualmie Pass, WA. Frequent stopping points were Antique Malls, suspected animal sightings, scenic byways, and literally every hot spring we saw.
Larissa in the Rainbow Plaid Ranch Set
What was your favorite part about this road trip?
My favorite part of the trip was the silence and simplicity of our days. Most nights we were camping and it doesn’t get more bare bones than that. We slept at sun down & awoke to the sun. When you’re living by nature’s clock you can’t help but feel aligned. The quietness of the desolate lands we passed through really force you to be present. Both emotionally and physically. It was so special to end the year by reflecting upon it & setting intentions for the next. They say the home of the soul is on the open road and I think they’re right.
AJ wearing the Honey Painter Pant & Honey Safari Hat
What started your love for the great outdoors and camping?
My Mama is a hiker. Every weekend as kids we’d escape the hustle n bustle and head someplace pretty to hike and picnic. I think the outdoors felt safe to my mom & I adopted the same principle. The older I get the more I believe that Women and Nature go hand in hand. We both have seasons. We both have cycles. We’re strong and full of life. I feel this connection so deeply and I can’t quite put to words just how happy it makes me to pop a tent up somewhere scenic, and don’t even get me started on campfires. I’m so lucky to have found a friend like AJ who feels the same pull towards the great outdoors that I do. We’ve got a couple trips lined up for the New Year already. HINT! One of our trips will be to our biggest state.
The Cream Plaid Forest Jacket on AJ
How did it feel to wear Lykke Wullf on this road trip adventure?